Journal of Latin American Theology
Journal Information
- ISSN: 1669-8649
- Frequency: Biannually
Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South
The Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South makes available in English some of the most influential evangelical thinking in Latin America and the Hispanic United States today. It is an attempt meet a felt need in the international Body of Christ, facilitating dialogue between churches, movements, theologians, and practitioners of the Christian faith for whom language barriers prevent access to each other’s literature. By translating and disseminating evangelical theological production from Spanish and Portuguese into English, the journal seeks to nourish a more fruitful dialogue towards transformational action within the church around the world. The only periodic English-language publication of the Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana (Latin American Theological Fellowship), it has been published twice yearly since 2006.
The Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana (FTL; known in English as the Latin American Theological Fellowship) is a move- ment of followers of Jesus Christ. Since its beginning in 1970, it has promoted spaces for theological reflection and action con- textualized within our wonderful, yet hurting, Latin America. The diversity of the Christian community and a commitment to the kingdom of God and its implementation in the life and mis- sion of the Latin American church characterize our gatherings of fellowship and dialogue.
We yearn for a Latin American church that, transformed by the Word and the Spirit into an agent of the kingdom of God and God’s justice, ministers in every area of society.
The FTL, as part of the church, provides opportunities for dialogue and biblical-theological reflection from Latin America.
- To promote reflection on the gospel and on its significance for human beings and Latin American society. Toward this end, the FTL stimulates the development of an evangelical thinking that is attentive to the ques- tions of life within a Latin American context. The FTL recognizes the normative character of the Bible as the written Word of God and seeks to listen, under the Holy Spirit’s direction, to the biblical message in relation to the relativities of our concrete situations.
- To create a framework for dialogue among people who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who are will- ing to reflect biblically in order to communicate the gospel within Latin American cultures.
- To contribute to the life and mission of the evangelical churches in Latin America, without attempting to speak for them or assuming the position of being their spokesperson in the Latin American continent.
Editorial Details
Fraternidad Teológica Latinoamericana
President: Eva Esther Morales
Director of Publications: Edesio Sánchez-Cetina
Journal of Latin American Theology: Christian Reflections from the Latino South
Editor: Lindy Scott
Managing Editor: Gretchen Abernathy
Graphic Design:
Translations: Gretchen Abernathy
Editorial and advertising address:
Lindy Scott
1515 Riverside Avenue
St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: 630-871-9750
Editorial and subscription e-mail: [email protected]
Subscription rates: One year (two issues) $35 for individuals; $80 for institu- tions; $100 for institutions outside of the United States; single copy $20. For airmail add $5 per subscription per year. Bulk rate: $5 less per subscription per year for 5 or more copies sent to the same address. Address all subscription correspondence to Lindy Scott, 1515 Riverside Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174 or email [email protected].