The Other Journal
Journal Information
- ISSN: 1933-7957
- eISSN: 2469-5939
- Frequency: Biannual
The Other Journal
The Other Journal is a publication that promotes vibrant discourse at the intersections of theology and culture.
The Other Journal aims to create space for Christian interdisciplinary reflection, exploration, and expression. Attempting to remain a step or two more popular than the typical scholarly journal and a step or two more scholarly than the typical popular magazine, our goal is to provide our readers with provocative, challenging and insightful Christian commentary on current social issues, political events, cultural trends, and pop phenomena.
Each issue of The Other Journal is organized around a particular theme, and includes sections dedicated to:
• Theology :: articles, essays, interviews
• Creative Writing :: creative nonfiction, personal essays, short stories, and poetry
• Art :: art exhibits
• Perspective :: personal essays reflecting on academic books, literature, film, music
• Praxis :: activism, justice, praxis essays and interviews
The Other Journal was founded in 2003 by Chris Keller (a psychotherapist from Seattle, WA) and Brian Munz (a web developer from Philadelphia, PA). Their original vision for The Other Journal was to provide space for Christian graduate students to share their work in a spirit of dialogue and mutual criticism.
As Brian and Chris’s vision for The Other Journal continued to unfold, leading Christian thinkers, practitioners, and creative writers joined The Other Journal community. Today, the journal seeks to fill the gap between popular frill-based magazines and scholarly academic journals by providing a lively space for the discerning reader to experience their faith as culturally relevant. Our goal is to provide readers with provocative, challenging, and insightful Christian writing on current social issues, political events, cultural trends, and pop phenomena.
The team of editors, pastors, web designers, writers, and artists that has become The Other Journal staff community is a vibrant group of people working in a wide range of vocations. Our common commitment to being a progressive, constructive, and charitable Christian voice in contemporary society through our participation The Other Journal is one piece of the larger puzzle of loving God and neighbor and investing our lives in the hope that our world would be further characterized by justice and peace.
Editorial Details
Dan Rhodes :: Editor-in-Chief
Andrew Shutes-David :: Managing Editor
Tom Ryan :: Executive Editor
Lynn Domina :: Creative Writing Editor
Julie M. Hamilton :: Art Editor
Zachary Thomas Settle :: Theology Editor
Matthew Shedden :: Praxis Editor
David Garner :: Associate Editor
Ryan Kelley :: Associate Editor
Jessica Coblentz :: Assistant Theology Editor
Brett Potter :: Assistant Theology Editor
Victor Anderson David Dark Ralph Eubanks
Kelly Johnson Steve Long Therese Lysaught
Michael McBride Chelle Stearns Emilie Townes
Submission Info
The Other Journal welcomes the submission of critical essays, reviews, creative writing, and visual or performance art that encounter life through the lens of theology and culture; we seek pieces that consider the interaction of faith with contemporary life, art, politics, sexuality, technology, economics, and social justice. We are particularly interested in works which present creative, alternative views that may otherwise fall outside the margins of mainstream narratives. And although we primarily focus on perspectives within the Christian tradition, we invite dialogue with all who are interested in exploring the ongoing role of faith and spirituality in the world.
The Other Journal addresses a new theme in each issue. We select content that is thematically relevant, imaginative, well-researched, and of first-rate quality. If you are interested in contributing, please check out our issue-specific themes below and browse our archives for a better sense of the content that we accept.
If you would like to pitch an idea to our editors that addresses one of our issue topics, please e-mail us at [email protected]. You may also e-mail us about writing that is beyond the scope of our issue descriptions, especially writing that seeks to respond directly to current cultural events or a broader ethos.
Subscriptions may be ordered online at
Subscription e-mail: [email protected] Advertising e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 206-876-6142