American Society of Missiology Series
The purpose of the ASM Series is to publish, without regard for disciplinary, national, or denominational boundaries, scholarly works of high quality and wide interest on missiological themes from the entire spectrum of scholarly pursuits, e.g., theology, history, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, health, education, art, political science, economics, and development, to articulate but a partial list. Always the focus will be on Christian mission.
By “mission” in this context is meant a cross-cultural passage over the boundary between faith in Jesus Christ and its absence. In this understanding of mission, the basic functions of Christian proclamation, dialogue, witness, service, fellowship, worship, and nurture are of special concern. How does the transition from one cultural context to another influence the shape and interaction of these dynamic functions?
Missiologists know that they need the other disciplines. And other disciplines, we dare to suggest, need missiology, perhaps more than they sometimes realize. Neither the insider’s nor the outsider’s view is complete in itself. The world Christian mission has through two millennia amassed a rich and well-documented body of experience to share with other disciplines.
Interaction will be the hallmark of this Series. It desires to be a channel for talking to one another instead of about one another. Secular scholars and church-related missiologists have too long engaged in a sterile venting of feelings about one another, often lacking in full evidence. Ignorance of and indifference to one another’s work has been no less harmful to good scholarship.
The promotion of scholarly dialogue among missiologists may, at times, involve the publication of views and positions that other missiologists cannot accept, and with which members of the Editorial Committee do not agree. The manuscripts published reflect the opinions of their authors and are not meant to represent the position of the American Society of Missiology or the Editorial Committee of the ASM Series.
We express our warm thanks to various mission agencies whose financial contributions enabled leaders of vision in the ASM to launch this new venture. The future of the ASM series will, we feel sure, fully justify their confidence and support.
William J. Danker, Chairperson
ASM Series Editorial Committee
American Society of Missiology Monograph Series
The ASM Monograph Series provides a forum for publishing quality dissertations and studies in the field of missiology. Collaborating with Pickwick Publications—a division of Wipf and Stock Publishers of Eugene, Oregon— the American Society of Missiology selects high quality dissertations and other monographic studies that offer research materials in mission studies for scholars, mission and church leaders, and the academic community at large. The ASM seeks scholarly work for publication in the series that throws light on issues confronting Christian world mission in its cultural, social, historical, biblical, and theological dimensions.
Missiology is an academic field that brings together scholars whose professional training ranges from doctoral level preparation in areas such as Scripture, history and sociology of religions, anthropology, theology, international relations, interreligious interchange, mission history, inculturation, and church law. The American Society of Missiology, which sponsors this series, is an ecumenical body drawing members from Independent and Ecumenical Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, and other traditions. Members of the ASM are united by their commitment to reflect on and do scholarly work relating to both mission history and the present day mission of the church. The ASM Monograph Series aims to publish works of exceptional merit on specialized topics, with particular attention given to work by younger scholars, the dissemination and publication of which is difficult under the economic pressures of standard publishing models.
Persons seeking information about the ASM or the guidelines for having their dissertations considered for publication in the ASM Monograph Series should consult the Society’s website—
Members of the ASM Monograph Committee who approve these books:
Michael A. Rynkiewich, Asbury Theological Seminary (retired), and James R. Krabill, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Bonnie Sue Lewis, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
Series editors: Gary B. McGee, Anthony J. Gittins CSSp, Dana L. Robert, Michael Rynkiewich, and James R. Krabill
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Conservative in Theology, Liberal in Spirit
ISBN: 9781666755565
Format: Paperback
The Congregation as Hermeneutic of the Gospel
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Explaining the Practice of Elevating an Ancestor for Veneration
ISBN: 9781666714081
Format: Paperback
Conservative in Theology, Liberal in Spirit
ISBN: 9781666755565
Format: Paperback
The Congregation as Hermeneutic of the Gospel
ISBN: 9798385211098
Format: Paperback
Explaining the Practice of Elevating an Ancestor for Veneration
ISBN: 9781666714081
Format: Paperback