Currents in Reformational Thought
Currents in Reformational Thought seeks to promote new scholarship emerging from the rich and dynamic tradition of reformational intellectual inquiry. Believing that all scholarly endeavour is rooted in and oriented by deep spiritual commitments of one kind or other, reformational scholarship seeks to add its unique Christian voice to discussions about leading questions of life and society. From this source, it seeks to contribute to the redemptive transformation and renewal of the various aspects of contemporary society, developing currents of thought that open human imagination to alternative future possibilities that may helpfully address the damage we find in present reality. As part of this work, Currents in Reformational Thought will bring to light the inter- and multi-disciplinary dimensions of this intellectual tradition, and promote reformational scholarship that intentionally invites dialogue with other traditions or streams of thought.
Series EditorsRobert Sweetman and Ronald A. Kuipers
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