The Impact Series
This series analyzes the powerful and variable normative codes that, for better or worse, shape moral character and ethical education in late modern liberal societies. Successive volumes unpack the place and role of these codes operating in the social spheres of law, religion, the family, the market, the political economy, the media, the military, and the systems of health care and academic research. Each volume offers selected examples and case studies drawn from Western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Asia and Australia, and features presentative voices from the humane, social, and natural sciences as well as the professions of theology, law, business, medicine, and others. While most contributors write from Christian perspectives, the volumes offer comparative insights designed to edify scholars from any profession or confession. While our laboratory is principally Western liberal societies, the modern forces of globalization will soon make these issues of moral character formation a concern for every culture and region of the world.