Faith For Living
The Faith for Living series seeks to reproduce selected messages for publications and distribution, which will bring biblical theological solutions for everyday challenges. No challenge is more common and no message is more needed. It is not my message, I assure you. It is God’s. I pray that He will use these words to bring hope and healing for your life. You were not designed or destined to live you life in the bondage that comes from the pain inflicted by another. You wer meant to live free.
Jesus said that “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” My this message that you read today give you more truth for more freedom. It is to that end that I offer it.
I am grateful to Wipf and Stock for their commitment to reproduce these messages. I am thankful to my wife, Mae, who always encourages me to preach and preach and preach again. She has often prayed with me and helped me find and apply the truth I write about here for my own life.
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Hit By Friendly Fire (Stapled Booklet)
What To Do When Christians Hurt You
ISBN: 9781556359286
Pub Date: May 2008
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
"One second. One mistake. One firing of the missile in the midst of the war. The missile cannot come back. The weapon is now headed for you. And the one who fired it is on your side. It is war. Hit...
Giving as an Act of Worship (Stapled Booklet)
ISBN: 9781597527125
Pub Date: August 2006
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Faith for Living series seeks to reproduce selected messages for publications and distribution, which will bring biblical theological solutions for everyday challenges. No challenge is more common...
Following Ben (Stapled Booklet)
Expository Preaching as the Power for Frail Followers of Pulpit Giants
ISBN: 9781597529587
Pub Date: August 2006
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Faith for Living series seeks to reproduce selected messages for publications and distribution, which will bring biblical theological solutions for everyday challenges. No challenge is more common...
Hit By Friendly Fire (Stapled Booklet)
What To Do When Christians Hurt You
ISBN: 9781556359286
Pub Date: May 2008
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Giving as an Act of Worship (Stapled Booklet)
ISBN: 9781597527125
Pub Date: August 2006
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Following Ben (Stapled Booklet)
Expository Preaching as the Power for Frail Followers of Pulpit Giants
ISBN: 9781597529587
Pub Date: August 2006
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock