Gifford Lectures
History of the Gifford Lectures
The educator and historian Jacques Barzun described the Gifford Lectures as virtuoso performances and “the highest honor in a philosopher’s career.” For over a hundred years the Gifford Lecture series has been one of the foremost lecture series dealing with religion, science and philosophy. In his 1885 will the jurist Adam Lord Gifford, convinced that true, felt knowledge of God when acted upon generated human well-being and progress, bequeathed £80,000 to the four Scottish universities (Universities of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow, and St. Andrews) for the establishment of a series of lectures dealing with the topic of natural religion. In dealing with their particular area of interest and expertise, lecturers are to discuss natural theology as a science, that is, “without reference to or reliance upon any supposed special exceptional or so-called miraculous revelation.” The lectures began in 1888 and, with the exception of the years during World War II, 1942-1945, have been delivered continuously since that time. Presenters were to be appointed for a period of two years and could be reappointed for two additional periods of two years each, but for no more than six years in a given city. In this manner the subject was to be examined and promoted by different minds.
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The Knowledge of God and the Service of God According to the Teaching of the Reformation
Recalling the Scottish Confession of 1560 (Gifford Lectures 1937 & 1938)
ISBN: 9781597524278
Pub Date: November 2005
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
These lectures on that teaching [of the Reformed church on natural theology] will not take the form of an independent outline, but will be connected with a 'document' of the Reformation. Further, taking...
The Providential Order of the World
The Gifford Lectures, 1897
ISBN: 9781592445998
Pub Date: March 2004
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
A.B. Bruce's first series of Gifford Lectures, delivered in Glasgow (1897), has in view several thoughts: that God cares for humans individually and collectively; that His nature is such, and that He...
The Moral Order of the World in Ancient and Modern Thought
ISBN: 9781592445677
Pub Date: February 2004
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
A.B. Bruce's second series of Gifford Lectures, delivered in Glasgow (1898) focus on an historical survey of the Moral Order. The first series of lectures had been on Providential Order, which Bruce...
The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers
The Gifford Lectures, 1936
ISBN: 9781592443215
Pub Date: September 2003
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The new and revolutionizing ideas which the early Greek thinkers developed about the nature of the universe had a direct impact upon their conception of what they called, in a new sense, 'God' or 'the...
The Philosophy of Plotinus
The Gifford Lectures at St. Andrews, 1917-1918
ISBN: 9781592442843
Pub Date: July 2003
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
History of the Gifford Lectures The educator and historian Jacques Barzun described the Gifford Lectures as virtuoso performances and "the highest honor in a philosopher's career." For over...
The Knowledge of God and the Service of God According to the Teaching of the Reformation
Recalling the Scottish Confession of 1560 (Gifford Lectures 1937 & 1938)
ISBN: 9781597524278
Pub Date: November 2005
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Providential Order of the World
The Gifford Lectures, 1897
ISBN: 9781592445998
Pub Date: March 2004
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Moral Order of the World in Ancient and Modern Thought
ISBN: 9781592445677
Pub Date: February 2004
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers
The Gifford Lectures, 1936
ISBN: 9781592443215
Pub Date: September 2003
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Philosophy of Plotinus
The Gifford Lectures at St. Andrews, 1917-1918
ISBN: 9781592442843
Pub Date: July 2003
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock