John L. McKenzie Reprint Series
Series Foreword
Mark Twain once ruminated,“It ain’t the parts of the Bible I can’t understand that bother me; it’s the parts I do.” John L. McKenzie, commenting on the same subject from another perspective, wrote, “The simple see at once that the way of Jesus is very hard to do, but easy to understand. It takes real cleverness and sophisticated intelligence to find ways to evade and distort the clear meaning of what Jesus said.”
But McKenzie, like Twain, was himself a person of exceedingly high intelligence, distinctively witty, with a double-edged sword’s incisiveness. As the first Catholic elected President of the Society of Biblical Literature, President of the Catholic Biblical Association, fluent in ten languages, sole author of a 900,000-word Bible dictionary, of over a dozen books and hundreds of essays, John McKenzie attained worldwide recognition as the dean of Catholic biblical scholars.
But again like Twain, McKenzie possessed a cultivated reservoir of abiding empathy—cognitive and emotional—for ordinary people and what they endure, millennia-in and millennia-out. He insisted: “I am a human being before I am a theologian.” Unlike many who become en- trenched in a hermetic, scholarly world of ever-multiplying abstractions, McKenzie never permitted his God-given faculty of empathy to atrophy. To the contrary, he refused to leave his fellow human beings out in the cold on the doorstep of some empathically-defective theological house of cards. This refusal made all the difference. It also often cost him the support, or engendered the hostility, of his ecclesiastical and academic associates and institutional superiors—as so often happens in scholarly, commercial and governmental endeavors, when unwanted truth that is the fruit of unauthorized empathy is factored into the equation.
John McKenzie produced works of biblically “prophetic scholar- ship” unlike anything created in the twentieth century by any scholar of his stature. They validate, with fastidious erudition, what the “simple see at once” as the truth of Jesus—e.g., “No reader of the New Testament, simple or sophisticated, can retain any doubt of Jesus’ position toward violence directed to persons, individual or collective; he rejected it totally”—but which pastors and professors entrenched in ecclesiastical nationalism and/or organizational survivalism have chronically ob- scured or disparaged.
In literate societies, power-elites know that to preemptively or re- medially justify the evil and cruelty they execute, their think-tanks must include theologians as part of their mercenary army of academics. These well-endowed, but empathically underdeveloped, theological hired guns then proselytize bishops, clergy, and Christians in general by gilding the illogical with coats of scholarly circumlocutions so thick that the op- posite of what Jesus said appears to be Gospel truth. The intent of this learned legerdemain is the manufacturing of a faux consensus fidei to justify, in Jesus’ sacred name, everything necessary to protect and aug- ment an odious—local, planetary and/or ecclesial—status quo.
John McKenzie is the antidote to such secular and ecclesial think- tank pseudo-evangelization. Truths Jesus taught—that the simple see at once and that Christian Churches and their leaders have long since aban- doned, but must again come to see if they are to honestly proclaim and live the Gospel—are given superior scholarly exposition via McKenzie. This is what moved Dorothy Day to write in her diary on April 14, 1968, “Up at 5:00 and reading The Power and the Wisdom. I thank God for sending me men with such insights as Fr. McKenzie.”
For those familiar with McKenzie this re-publication of his writ- ings offers an opportunity to encounter again a consistent scholarly- empathic frame of consciousness about Genesis through Revelation, whose major crux interpretum is the Servant of Yahweh (Isaiah 42). Ultimately embodied in the person of Jesus, the Servant is the revealer of Abba almighty—who is “on our side,” if our means each person and all humanity. For all Christians, John L. McKenzie’s prophetic scholarship offers a wellspring of Jesus-sourced truth about the life they have been
chosen to live, the world in which they live, and the Christ in whom they “live and move and have their being.”
(Rev.) Emmanuel Charles McCarthy September 2008 Brockton, Massachusetts
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Authority in the Church
ISBN: 9781606081488
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The question of authority has always been a lively issue within the Roman Catholic Church. While some have warned against the danger of "democratizing" the Church, others have warned against applying...
The New Testament Without Illusion
ISBN: 9781606082720
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
From the beginning of the New Testament era, there have been disputes over what individual passages meant, who wrote them, when they were written, and whether certain sayings could be directly attributed...
A Theology of the Old Testament
ISBN: 9781606082737
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
By thoroughly investigating every aspect of theology to be found in the Old Testament, Father McKenzie offers a total theological statement of this timeless record. "The theology of the Old Testament,"...
What the Bible Says About the Problems of Contemporary Life
ISBN: 9781606082744
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
While it is true that today's civilization presents all sorts of questions about which the Bible had nothing to say directly, in many instances there are passages which, when properly understood, can...
Mastering the Meaning of the Bible
ISBN: 9781606081464
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
McKenzie offers practical ideas on how lay persons can read and study the Bible, discussing best translations and best ways to approach difficult texts. With an appreciation for continuities between...
Myths and Realities
Studies in Biblical Theology
ISBN: 9781606080504
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The present collection of essays, selected by a priest-teacher and laywoman-student at Loyola University, brings together wide-ranging, mind-opening, and absorbing studies on major aspects of biblical...
How Relevant is the Bible?
And Other Commentaries on Scripture
ISBN: 9781606080474
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
In many of his books, John L. McKenzie has confined himself to the exposition of one theme. Here is a chance to encounter his thinking on a wide variety of biblical topics--a first-rate sampling of...
Light on the Gospels
A Reader's Guide
ISBN: 9781606081471
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
"The key to understanding the Gospels," says Father McKenzie, "is to read them carefully and inquisitively, then reread them, and reread them..." Perhaps never before has there been such a need for...
The Civilization of Christianity
ISBN: 9781606080436
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The devastating thesis of this book is "that there is a deadly and irreconcilable opposition between western civilization and Christianity, and that one of them must destroy the other." Throughout...
The Power and the Wisdom
An Interpretation of the New Testament
ISBN: 9781606080481
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
"In the composition of this book I experienced a growing conviction that the thing with which we believe we are familiar is not the New Testament; it is a conventionalized popular understanding of the...
Authority in the Church
ISBN: 9781606081488
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The New Testament Without Illusion
ISBN: 9781606082720
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
A Theology of the Old Testament
ISBN: 9781606082737
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
What the Bible Says About the Problems of Contemporary Life
ISBN: 9781606082744
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Mastering the Meaning of the Bible
ISBN: 9781606081464
Pub Date: March 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Myths and Realities
Studies in Biblical Theology
ISBN: 9781606080504
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
How Relevant is the Bible?
And Other Commentaries on Scripture
ISBN: 9781606080474
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Light on the Gospels
A Reader's Guide
ISBN: 9781606081471
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Civilization of Christianity
ISBN: 9781606080436
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Power and the Wisdom
An Interpretation of the New Testament
ISBN: 9781606080481
Pub Date: January 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock