McMaster Theological Studies Series
The History and Vision of McMaster Divinity College Press
McMaster Divinity College Press was inaugurated in 2007 to encourage a range of publishing goals. These include dissemination of proceedings from conferences hosted by the College, volumes written or edited by MDC faculty members and graduates, and manuscripts produced by others whose work is compatible with the ethos and mission of McMaster Divinity College. To realize these goals, the College works with Wipf and Stock Publishers in Eugene, Oregon, to publish collaboratively. McMaster Divinity College Press practices a rigorous peer review system for its publications. MDC Press reviews and accepts work for publication and manages the production of the manuscript, including copyediting and text-preparation. Authors sign contracts with Wipf and Stock, who typeset, print, and market the publication. The partnership has resulted in development of a very positive and productive publishing programme, and serves MDC and its authors well. The print-on-demand format is conducive to publishing books that other publishers are unwilling to accept due to limited anticipated sales, and to keeping books in print far longer than conventional publishing.
For all inquiries related to MDC Press publication series, please contact John J.H. Lee, Managing Editor of MDC Press
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The Secularization of Baptism
How Baptists Took God out of Baptism, and How to Fix the Problem
ISBN: 9798385210732
Pub Date: January 2025
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Does God actually do anything in baptism? Is it more than just a symbol? Most early Baptists would have answered "yes." Most Baptists today would answer "no." How and why did this change happen--and...
The Empowering God
Redeeming the Prosperity Movement and Overcoming Victim Trauma in the Poor
ISBN: 9781725277038
Pub Date: May 2021
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
The Prosperity movement has been rightly challenged on biblical, theological, and pastoral grounds and has been found to be lacking. Yet, the movement continues to grow in popularity around the world,...
Historical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspectives
ISBN: 9781608994861
Pub Date: January 2011
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
In this book, Gordon Heath and James Dvorak bring together three traditions that are not often brought together under one roof: Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant. Authors from a number of Protestant...
You Mean I Don’t Have to Tithe?
A Deconstruction of Tithing and a Reconstruction of Post-Tithe Giving
ISBN: 9781606084052
Pub Date: February 2010
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Tithing is a well-known church practice in our day and age, but do church-goers really practice it? When did the concept of tithing begin? How is it justified? What does the Bible say about it? You...
Salvation in the Flesh
Understanding How Embodiment Shapes Christian Faith
ISBN: 9781532617867
Pub Date: February 2018
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
David Trementozzi contends that conservative-traditional Christianity has uncritically adopted an intellectualist (i.e., rationally-driven) view of faith in its understanding and practice of salvation....
The Globalization of Christianity
Implications for Christian Ministry and Theology
ISBN: 9781625648013
Pub Date: January 2015
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
While Christianity appears to be in decline in the West it is growing robustly in the global South. What does this mean for the Christianity that was once considered to be the religion of the West?...
Resurrection, Scripture, and Reformed Apologetics
A Test for Consistency in Theology and Apologetic Method
ISBN: 9781610978477
Pub Date: July 2012
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Apologetic methodology has been the subject of intense debate in Reformed circles. This book argues that we can test Reformed apologetic methods for consistency using two linchpin theological topics:...
Pentecostalism and Globalization
The Impact of Globalization on Pentecostal Theology and Ministry
ISBN: 9781606084045
Pub Date: September 2010
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
In little over a century, the Pentecostal movement has emerged from small bands of revival seekers to become one of the largest Christian groups in the world. Primarily a movement within Western Christianity...
Defining Issues in Pentecostalism
Classical and Emergent
ISBN: 9781556358432
Pub Date: March 2008
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
This book brings together the papers presented at the McMaster Divinity College 2007 Pentecostal Forum: "Defining Issues in Pentecostalism: Classical and Emergent." It highlights the defining topics,...

The Secularization of Baptism
How Baptists Took God out of Baptism, and How to Fix the Problem
ISBN: 9798385210732
Pub Date: January 2025
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
The Empowering God
Redeeming the Prosperity Movement and Overcoming Victim Trauma in the Poor
ISBN: 9781725277038
Pub Date: May 2021
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Historical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspectives
ISBN: 9781608994861
Pub Date: January 2011
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
You Mean I Don’t Have to Tithe?
A Deconstruction of Tithing and a Reconstruction of Post-Tithe Giving
ISBN: 9781606084052
Pub Date: February 2010
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Salvation in the Flesh
Understanding How Embodiment Shapes Christian Faith
ISBN: 9781532617867
Pub Date: February 2018
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
The Globalization of Christianity
Implications for Christian Ministry and Theology
ISBN: 9781625648013
Pub Date: January 2015
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Resurrection, Scripture, and Reformed Apologetics
A Test for Consistency in Theology and Apologetic Method
ISBN: 9781610978477
Pub Date: July 2012
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Pentecostalism and Globalization
The Impact of Globalization on Pentecostal Theology and Ministry
ISBN: 9781606084045
Pub Date: September 2010
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Defining Issues in Pentecostalism
Classical and Emergent
ISBN: 9781556358432
Pub Date: March 2008
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications