Studies in Christian History and Thought
This series complements the specialist series of Studies in Evangelical History and Thought and Studies in Baptist History and Thought for which Paternoster is becoming increasingly well known by offering works that cover the wider field of Christian history and thought. It encompasses accounts of Christian witness at various periods, studies of individual Christians and movements, and works which concern the relations of church and society through history, and the history of Christian thought.
The series includes monographs, revised dissertations and theses, and collections of papers by individuals and groups. As well as ‘free standing’ volumes, works on particular running themes are being commissioned; authors will be engaged for these from around the world and from a variety of Christian traditions.
A high academic standard combined with lively writing will commend the volumes in this series both to scholars and to a wider readership.
Series Editors
Alan P.F. Sell, Visiting Professor at Acadia University Divinity College, Nova Scotia, Canada
David Bebbington, Professor of History, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK
Clyde Binfield, Professor Associate in History, University of Sheffield, UK
Gerald Bray, Anglican Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Grayson Carter, Associate Professor of Church History, Fuller Theological Seminary SW, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Showing results 1-10 of 48
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The Puritan Millennium
Literature and Theology, 1550-1682 (Revised Edition)
ISBN: 9781606080184
Pub Date: July 2008
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Puritanism was an intensely eschatological movement. From the beginnings of the movement, Puritan writers developed eschatological interests in distinct contexts and often for conflicting purposes....
The Rise of Reformed System
The Intellectual Heritage of William Ames
ISBN: 9781625643544
Pub Date: October 2013
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
This unique and persuasive work establishes the significance of the thought of Puritan William Ames (1576-1633) in deepening and systematizing established Reformation teaching on Christian doctrine...
Nonconformity in Derbyshire
A Study in Dissent, 1600-1800
ISBN: 9781608991617
Pub Date: November 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Nonconformity in Derbyshire has been little researched and what has been published about it is scattered through many sources, ancient and modern. There is no standard nineteenth-century history as...
The Immanent Person of the Holy Spirit from Anselm to Lombard
Divine Communion in the Spirit
ISBN: 9781608991624
Pub Date: November 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
This study shows that there has not yet been any comprehensive study of the person of the Holy Spirit in the twelfth century, and that such a study has something to add to concepts of twelfth-century...
Healing in the Early Church
The Church's Ministry of Healing and Exorcism from the First to the Fifth Century
ISBN: 9781606088746
Pub Date: July 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
This monograph presents the most comprehensive investigation yet made into the healing activity of the Early Church. In contrast to early skeptics like B. B. Warfield, the author is convinced there...
Missionary Imperialists?
Missionaries, Government, and the Growth of the British Empire in the Tropics, 1860-1885
ISBN: 9781606085967
Pub Date: April 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Missionary Imperialists? examines the frontiers of empire in tropical Africa and the south-west Pacific in the Mid-Victorian era. Its central theme is the role played by British Protestant missionaries...
The Supremacy of God in the Theology of Samuel Rutherford
ISBN: 9781606084793
Pub Date: February 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
This book presents the first modern in-depth study of the theology of one of the most influential figures in post-Reformation Scotland, Samuel Rutherford (c. 1600-1661). Although much has been written...
Imputation and Impartation
Union with Christ in American Reformed Theology
ISBN: 9781606084786
Pub Date: February 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
This book explores the history of the theme of 'union with Christ' in the Reformed tradition. After chapters on the legacy of Calvin and Reformed Orthodoxy, the author uncovers three trajectories in...
The Presbyterian Creed
A Confessional Tradition in America, 1729–1870
ISBN: 9781606084809
Pub Date: February 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The American Presbyterian creed up until the second half of the twentieth century has been the confessional tradition of the Westminster Assembly (1643-48). Presbyterians in America adopted the Westminster...
Martyrdom from Exegesis in Hippolytus
An Early Church Presbyter's Commentary on Daniel
ISBN: 9781606083116
Pub Date: December 2008
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
In the third century CE, Emperor Septimius Severus unleashed a shocking and severe persecution against the Christian church. Witnessing the fear and confusion in his congregations, the presbyter Hippolytus...
The Puritan Millennium
Literature and Theology, 1550-1682 (Revised Edition)
ISBN: 9781606080184
Pub Date: July 2008
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Rise of Reformed System
The Intellectual Heritage of William Ames
ISBN: 9781625643544
Pub Date: October 2013
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Nonconformity in Derbyshire
A Study in Dissent, 1600-1800
ISBN: 9781608991617
Pub Date: November 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Immanent Person of the Holy Spirit from Anselm to Lombard
Divine Communion in the Spirit
ISBN: 9781608991624
Pub Date: November 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Healing in the Early Church
The Church's Ministry of Healing and Exorcism from the First to the Fifth Century
ISBN: 9781606088746
Pub Date: July 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Missionary Imperialists?
Missionaries, Government, and the Growth of the British Empire in the Tropics, 1860-1885
ISBN: 9781606085967
Pub Date: April 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Supremacy of God in the Theology of Samuel Rutherford
ISBN: 9781606084793
Pub Date: February 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Imputation and Impartation
Union with Christ in American Reformed Theology
ISBN: 9781606084786
Pub Date: February 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
The Presbyterian Creed
A Confessional Tradition in America, 1729–1870
ISBN: 9781606084809
Pub Date: February 2009
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock
Martyrdom from Exegesis in Hippolytus
An Early Church Presbyter's Commentary on Daniel
ISBN: 9781606083116
Pub Date: December 2008
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wipf and Stock