Theology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
Theology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
Series Preface
Theology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium is a new series of theological monographs which seek to examine the status quaestionis of various sub-disciplines within the field of theology in this second decade of the third millennium and some half a century after the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. While the impetus for the series has come from scholars at the University of Notre Dame (Australia), the Catholic Institute of Sydney, and Campion College (Sydney), contributors to the volumes come from a diverse array of theological academies. A feature of the series is the fact that although the majority of the contributors are situated within the Catholic intellectual tradition, scholars from other traditions are also welcome.
The various sub-disciplines which form the subject of each volume are examined from the perspective of scripture scholarship, fundamental, systematic and dogmatic theology, spirituality, historical theology, ecumenical and pastoral theology and the theology of culture. This is consistent with the Balthasarian metaphor that “Truth is Symphonic” and thus created by an harmonious integration of different disciplines or “sections” of the theo- logical orchestra. Consistent with the charism of St. James the contributors share a high degree of respect for the deposit of the faith, a Johannine interest in integrating spirituality and mystical theology with dogmatic and fundamental theology, a Pauline sensitivity to the influence of the Holy Spirit, a Petrine interest in official magisterial teaching and, above all, a Marian disposition of receptivity to the Divine Logos.
Series Editor: Kevin Wagner
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Pneumatology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
ISBN: 9781666772869
Pub Date: December 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
The Holy Spirit who worked on the first Christian Pentecost continues to work in the church and the world today. This being so, the field of pneumatology--the theology of the Holy Spirit--should pique...
Theological Anthropology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
ISBN: 9781666709254
Pub Date: April 2022
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Theological Anthropology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium is the third volume of the Theology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium series. Bringing together Catholic and Orthodox scholars...
Ecclesiology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
ISBN: 9781532665332
Pub Date: December 2019
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Born from the side of Jesus, pierced on the cross, the church is the living body of Christ. Like Jesus himself, it is both eternal and temporal, spiritual and material, spotless and wounded. Constituted...
Mariology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
ISBN: 9781532601439
Pub Date: April 2017
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Since the Second Vatican Council the place of Mary in theology and generally in the life of the Church has been at times muted. This is perhaps understandable given the debates concerning Mary's "place"...

Pneumatology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
ISBN: 9781666772869
Pub Date: December 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Theological Anthropology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
ISBN: 9781666709254
Pub Date: April 2022
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Ecclesiology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
ISBN: 9781532665332
Pub Date: December 2019
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications
Mariology at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
ISBN: 9781532601439
Pub Date: April 2017
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Pickwick Publications