“. . . the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
In much contemporary discourse, Pilate’s question has been taken to mark the absolute boundary of human thought. Beyond this boundary, it is often suggested, is an intellectual hinterland into which we must not venture. This terrain is an agnosticism of thought: because truth cannot be possessed, it must not be spoken. Thus, it is argued that the defenders of “truth” in our day are often traffickers in ideology, merchants of counterfeits, or anti-liberal. They are, because it is somewhat taken for granted that Nietzsche’s word is final: truth is the domain of tyranny.
Is this indeed the case, or might another vision of truth offer itself? The ancient Greeks named the love of wisdom as philia, or friendship. The one who would become wise, they argued, would be a “friend of truth.” For both philosophy and theology might be conceived as schools in the friendship of truth, as a kind of relation. For like friendship, truth is as much discovered as it is made. If truth is then so elusive, if its domain is terra incognita, perhaps this is because it arrives to us—unannounced—as gift, as a person, and not some thing.
The aim of the Veritas book series is to publish incisive and original current scholarly work that inhabits “the between” and “the beyond” of theology and philosophy. These volumes will all share a common aspiration to transcend the institutional divorce in which these two disciplines often find themselves, and to engage questions of pressing concern to both philosophers and theologians in such a way as to reinvigorate both disciples with a kind of interdisciplinary desire, often so absent in contemporary academe. In a word, these volumes represent collective efforts in the befriending of truth, doing so beyond the simulacra of pretend tolerance, the violent, yet insipid reasoning of liberalism that asks with Pilate, “What is truth?”—expecting a consensus of non-commitment; one that encourages the commodification of the mind, now sedated by the civil service of career, ministered by the frightened patrons of position.
The series will therefore consist of two “wings”: (1) original monographs; and (2) essay collections on a range of topics in theology and philosophy. The latter will principally by the products of the annual conferences of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy (
Series Editor: Conor Cunningham
Showing results 1-10 of 46
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An Analytic Theology of Evangelism
A Classical Theist’s Approach
ISBN: 9798385204731
Pub Date: November 2024
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
An Analytic Theology of Evangelism clarifies and defends the Gospel and our call to evangelize. At the same time, the volume acts as an ecumenical work in theology. It not only bridges gaps between...
God and Phenomenology
Thinking with Jean-Yves Lacoste
ISBN: 9781666709599
Pub Date: December 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
God and Phenomenology: Thinking with Jean-Yves Lacoste provides a starting point for scholars who seek to familiarize themselves with the work of this French phenomenologist and theologian. Thirteen international scholars comment on Lacoste’s work. In conclusion the volume offers an unpublished essay by Lacoste on the topic of eschatology. / Table of Contents — Introduction: Thinking with Jean-Yves Lacoste by Joeri Schrijvers and Martin Koci / Part I: Critiques — 1. “‘Children of the World’: A Note on Jean-Yves Lacoste,” by Kevin Hart / 2. “Lacoste on Appearing and Reduction,” by Steven DeLay / 3. “Reduction Without Appearance: The Non-Phenomenality of God,” by Robert C. Reed / 4. “Only Metaphysics Sustains Phenomenology,” by John Milbank / Part II: Commentaries — 5. “Canonical Texts,” by Oliver O’Donovan / 6. “Reading Prayerfully Before God: Jean-Yves Lacoste’s Treatment of Lectio Divina as an Instance of Existence Coram Deo,” by Christina M. Gschwandtner /...
A Heart of Flesh
William Desmond and the Bible
ISBN: 9781666738452
Pub Date: November 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
The Irish philosopher William Desmond is one of the most compelling and adventurous Christian thinkers of our time. The essays gathered here undertake a journey through the Bible with Desmond that ranges across biblical theology, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, political theory, and literary studies. Some of the essays examine the place of the Bible in Desmond's thought, considering his readings of the creation, the Abraham cycle, and the Beatitudes. Other essays bring Desmond's ideas to bear on broad questions that emerge from the Bible about philosophy and revelation, exegesis, theopoetics, eschatology, and tyranny. Still others bring Desmond into conversation with influential philosophers who engage (or conspicuously do not engage) the Bible, such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Tillich. Together, these essays show the rich possibilities of approaching the Bible with Desmond. All take their bearings from Desmond's "metaxological" approach, which does not seek to claim the final...
Thinking about Thinking
Mind and Meaning in the Era of Techno-Nihilism
ISBN: 9781666754186
Pub Date: October 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Thinking About Thinking: Mind and Meaning in the Era of Techno-Nihilism addresses our existential crisis by reminding us of the conditions for meaning that have been obscured by the modern technological...
Finitude’s Wounded Praise
Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien
ISBN: 9781666710489
Pub Date: November 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
The late Jean-Louis Chrétien's responsorial and polyphonic style of thinking is nothing less than a performance of gratitude, which manifests the many ways and manners that our wounded finitude is graced and blessed along the peregrine path of human existence. Finitude's Wounded Praise: Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien is a receptive celebratory response to the immense fecundity and potential of Chrétien's "thank you" of gratitude. This volume gathers leading Chrétien scholars and thinkers to explicate, explore, think with, and commemorate his thought. The essays in the volume engage Chrétien's work from three primary fields: phenomenological, literary/poetic, and theological. Finitude's Wounded Praise is a diverse, exploratory, and impressive testament to the expansive and enduring richness of Chrétien's oeuvre.
Sensing the Sacred
Recovering a Mystagogical Vision of Knowledge and Salvation
ISBN: 9781666758054
Pub Date: August 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
This book offers a theological vision of learning informed by the mystagogical homilies of Ambrose of Milan, Cyril of Jerusalem, John Chrysostom, and Theodore of Mopsuestia. In dialogue with these four...
Ethics Lost in Modernity
Reflections on Wittgenstein and Bioethics
ISBN: 9781666747188
Pub Date: July 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Ethics Lost in Modernity: Reflections on Wittgenstein and Bioethics turns to the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein as a guide to understand the immense success--yet great danger--of bioethics. Matthew...
Will & Love
Shakespeare and the Motion of the Soul
ISBN: 9781666738360
Pub Date: March 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Will & Love examines four of Shakespeare's love plays (Romeo and Juliet, Troilus and Cressida, Twelfth Night, and Antony and Cleopatra) in light of the Augustinian psychology at the heart of the...
Astonishment and Science
Engagements with William Desmond
ISBN: 9781666733402
Pub Date: December 2022
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Science can reveal or conceal the breathtaking wonders of creation. On one hand, knowledge of the natural world can open us up to greater love for the Creator, give us the means of more neighborly care, and fill us with ever-deepening astonishment. On the other hand, knowledge feeding an insatiable hunger for epistemic mastery can become a means of idolatry, hubris, and damage. Crucial to world-respecting science is the role of wonder: curiosity, perplexity, and astonishment. In this volume, philosopher William Desmond explores the relation of the different modes of wonder to modern science. Responding to his thought are twelve thinkers across the domains of science, theology, philosophy, law, poetry, medicine, sociology, and art restoration.
By Way of Obstacles
A Pathway through a Work
ISBN: 9781666734140
Pub Date: December 2022
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
In By Way of Obstacles, Emmanuel Falque revisits the major themes of his work--finitude, the body, and the call for philosophers and theologians to "cross the Rubicon" by entering into dialogue--in...

An Analytic Theology of Evangelism
A Classical Theist’s Approach
ISBN: 9798385204731
Pub Date: November 2024
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
God and Phenomenology
Thinking with Jean-Yves Lacoste
ISBN: 9781666709599
Pub Date: December 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
A Heart of Flesh
William Desmond and the Bible
ISBN: 9781666738452
Pub Date: November 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Thinking about Thinking
Mind and Meaning in the Era of Techno-Nihilism
ISBN: 9781666754186
Pub Date: October 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Finitude’s Wounded Praise
Responses to Jean-Louis Chrétien
ISBN: 9781666710489
Pub Date: November 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Sensing the Sacred
Recovering a Mystagogical Vision of Knowledge and Salvation
ISBN: 9781666758054
Pub Date: August 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Ethics Lost in Modernity
Reflections on Wittgenstein and Bioethics
ISBN: 9781666747188
Pub Date: July 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Will & Love
Shakespeare and the Motion of the Soul
ISBN: 9781666738360
Pub Date: March 2023
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
Astonishment and Science
Engagements with William Desmond
ISBN: 9781666733402
Pub Date: December 2022
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books
By Way of Obstacles
A Pathway through a Work
ISBN: 9781666734140
Pub Date: December 2022
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Cascade Books